Give information

Give information

Safely and anonymously. 100% Guaranteed.


At Crimestoppers, we believe everyone has the right to feel safe, wherever they live.

We're here to help you tackle crime in your community - by phone and online, 24/7, 365 days a year.

We're an independent charity that gives you the power to speak up and stop crime, 100% anonymously.

We know that it can be difficult to come forward with information. You might have seen or heard something about a crime but don't know what to do, or are scared to give information. It's easy to think there is nothing you can do, but we offer you a safe way to do this.

Watch our short video to find out exactly what we mean by anonymity

For further information on the steps we take to guarantee your anonymity on the phone and online, click here

English not your first language?

If you don't speak English or if English is not your first language, you can still give us information anonymously using a translation service. Your call will be answered by someone who speaks English and you will need to tell them which language you speak.

The Crimestoppers guarantee

Our service is unique and designed to protect your identity, whether you call us on 0800 555 111 or submit our anonymous online form.

In all the years that we have been running, no one has ever been identified after giving information. It is vital that we guarantee your anonymity because if your identity became known, our reputation would be seriously damaged.

We guarantee:

  • You will not be asked to reveal your name or any personal details.
  • We will listen to any information you have on a crime.
  • Your call will not be recorded.
  • We have no caller line display, no 1471 facility and have never traced a call.
  • Calls are free from all phones, landline or mobile, and will not show up on your bill.
  • Our specially trained call agents will support you through the process and make sure your report contains no information that could identify you.
  • We do not make a note of gender, accents, apparent age or ethnicity of any caller.
  • If you give us information, on the phone or online, in a language other than English, we will not record that your information has been received in a different language.
  • Even if you give personal details, they will not be recorded, and we will pass information to the relevant authority without revealing your identity.
  • When you report via our online form, you can do so safe in the knowledge that your device’s IP addresses are overwritten, masked and can never be traced.

If you are giving information by mobile phone, when you have finished your call, you can go into your phone's 'Recents' list and delete your call to us from the list straight away - just look for the word 'delete' or the bin symbol.

The only person who knows you contacted us with information is you. And your information can make a real difference. Around 10 people are arrested and charged every day as a result of information given to Crimestoppers. Since we were founded, we have received over 2.2 million actionable calls, have been responsible for more than 151,000 people being arrested and charged with a crime, for over £139 million worth of stolen goods being recovered, and for over £367 million worth of illegal drugs being seized.

  • No police.
  • No witness statements.
  • No courts.

We don’t judge. We just listen to what you know, and pass it on for you.

How to prevent your visit to our online form showing up in your internet history

When you use our anonymous online form, you may want to ensure that cookies/history for your browsing activity on your phone, tablet, laptop or PC are not stored. If so, you can choose to use private browsing. Click or tap on the links below for details of how to access private browsing, whichever browser you use.

If you’re using a different browser - for instance UC Browser or Opera - whichever one it is, just look for the keywords ‘Incognito’ or ‘Private’ on any of their options to launch a new private window.

100% anonymous. Always.

Ready to contact us? Give information about crime anonymously

Crimestoppers is not an emergency service and if you see a crime taking place you should ring 999 to report it immediately.

Don't want to speak to the police? When you give information, we'll pass it on so you don't have to.