Chatham Central Anti Social Behaviour Survey

So that we can get a better idea of where you are talking about please enter your post code here (door number not required)

Please select the options that you think are having a negative impact on you and your community.
please answer this question so we can target the right problems
Please select the options that you think are having a negative impact on you and your community.

Do you have anything to add about what, you feel, is still having a negative impact on the community?

How safe do you feel out on the local streets during the DAY TIME?
Please indicate how safe you feel in your local community in the day time.
How safe do you feel out on the local streets during the EVENING & NIGHT TIME?
Please indicate how safe you feel in your local community in the evenings.

What do you think that police and other local agencies should be focusing on in your community?

What do you think that Police have done well over the last year that has made a real difference in the community?
Please let us know of what has improved since the start of the project

Thank you so much for taking time to complete the survey and helping us to help you. The results will guide how we police Chatham and what we focus on going forward. If your not already signed up for neighbourhood alerts please consider signing up. Its totally free and gives you a voice with local police about issues that matter to you! 


Once you click out of this survey you will have a screen asking you to complete your details for my community voice. This is totally optional, don't feel that you have to complete the form. 


Thanks once again!


PCSO Humphrey.

Neighbourhood task force. 


Home Page - My Community Voice Kent  


We have been targeting Antisocial behaviour and criminality in your area for just under a year as part of Op Neighbourhood, The Clear / Hold / Build Project. 


last March and April we knocked on doors in the area and asked you to complete an initial survey. nearly one year later we want to find out what's gone well and what still need further police attention.


I would massively appreciate it if you could take 10 minutes to complete this survey openly and frankly. Also share it with your neighbours so we can get an idea of what we need to do going forward. 


Thank you in advance!